
The Xiye Workshop

齐点淄博 2024-06-05 17:06:16 阅读量:

2024-06-05 17:06:16

The Xiye Workshop in Boshan District, Zibo City, Eastern Province takes inheriting the culture and art of glass as its responsibility, continuously improving traditional glass formula, temperature, molding and other technologies. Relying on technological innovation and humanistic management, it is committed to the excavation, restoration, and innovation of traditional handmade glass. Its dewaxing method glass products are colorful and crystal clear. Dewaxing casting is a very old technique in the creation of colored glass art. Its process is very complex, with the first mock examination for one piece, different pieces, and low yield. The glass craftsmen of Xiye Workshop have achieved impressive results through continuous research and improvement in materials, craftsmanship, technology, and shape design, greatly improving the yield and purity of product colors. They are highly valued by cultural and artistic professionals both domestically and internationally.

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