【视频】齐鲁大地的冬季 晶莹剔透 神奇梦幻
齐鲁大地的冬季是壮丽的,仿佛大自然雕琢的“艺术品” ,晶莹剔透,神奇梦幻,为人们打开了限定版的冰雪奇观。Shandong’s winter is splendid. Looking like an “artwork” carved by nature, it is crystal-clear, fantastic and dreamy, opening up a limited edition of ice and snow wonders
【视频】齐鲁大地的冬季 晶莹剔透 神奇梦幻
齐鲁大地的冬季是壮丽的,仿佛大自然雕琢的“艺术品” ,晶莹剔透,神奇梦幻,为人们打开了限定版的冰雪奇观。Shandong’s winter is splendid. Looking like an “artwork” carved by nature, it is crystal-clear, fantastic and dreamy, opening up a limited edition of ice and snow wonders